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Goal Setting Is Crucial - Week 3

By: Cameo Roberson, Principal of Atlas Park

In a webinar I co-hosted for NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) community on Operations, Systems & Automation, one of the main ideas in developing your platform is that it is driven by your firm vision and goals. As an advisor, you have to get clear on your end game and then create steps to get there. To check out the webinar, click here NAPFA Webinar

The same is true for networking. Why are you networking? What do you want to achieve by networking? What are your goals as it relates to networking?

If you are not sure of your networking goals, no problem. You can start today and get a plan together. Let’s start with a few tips about having a relationship action plan.

·         Part One: Think about what your goals are, that will fulfill your mission

·         Part Two: Connect those goals to the people, places and things that will help you get the job done

·         Part Three: Determine the best way to reach out to people who can help you accomplish your goals

Find out how you can bring value to those individuals in a way that’s mutually beneficial.

For example, at a former financial planning firm I worked for, we planned a COI experience around meditation and yoga. We hired an outside yoga instructor, called a local gym and invited 15-20 COIs (mainly estate planning attorneys) to participate in this event. It was a big hit! We gave the COIs a reason to exercise and network with the advisors in attendance. A Win-Win.

Tying your goals so that everyone receives something valuable is a great way to ensure the networking is mutually beneficial. What can you do today that will create a win-win scenario in your practice?

--Do you want to learn how to build a better advisory practice? Set up a Success Call and let’s determine how to take you from good to great. Click here and select Your Virtual Coo

-- Cameo Roberson is an advisor, practice management and operations consultant. She works with solos, breakaway advisors and ensemble firms to help them build a better advisory practice and manage key areas of business growth. --


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